Thursday, September 29, 2011

Stay positive!

  Well as the reports continue to bring us more statistics of doom and gloom it is certain a few positive results will come from this. Klockle is constantly  researching  the local and global markets which impact us. Here are some statistics and answers to help navigate with success in these changing times. 

     1. The economy will force more sales of homes.
     2. New buyers will now be ablle to buy for a great price.
     3. Foriegn buyers can now afford the US for second homes from all over the world with the currency value lower on the US Dollar .
     4. The US is still a stable and safe realestate investment compared to the rest of the world.
     5. The national population will continue to require housing .
     6. Rentals have statistacally risen.
     7. The market is less volitile now than it was in 2006-2010.Though it has continued to drop the swing is much less drastic
     8. The corrections were necessary and are stabalizing.
     9. Compared to other cities in the world the US is providing good value.
                                                                             MARKETING SOLUTIONS
     1. YOUR BUDGET: Select forms of advertising affordable to you .Just because you are struggling does not mean NO advertising is going to bring you new leads .
     2. THINK OUT SIDE THE BOX: Find new innovative ways to attract a new pool of buyers .
     3. FREE:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Should you buy now?

        We will start the answer to this question with  four questions.
1. Are you presently with savings in the bank for a substantial down payment in order to qualify for financing ? 25% to 35%
2. Will your financials hold up to the new standards of the banks lending practices?
3. Will you be able to carry the payments for a period of eighteen months if you lost your job?
4. Are you currently happy in your current job and location?
         If you answered Yes to these questions than the answer for you is ABSOLUTELY YES. BUY NOW.
 Here are some of the reasons we say BUY NOW  !!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Invest in Real estate they are not making any more of it!

With the Stock market being volatile. Increasing the traditional real estate investment will seem more and more appealing. In the old days investors focused on cash flow to cover real estate expenses, bank mortgages, taxes, insurance and all miscellaneous expenses. Recently real estate appreciation became the force to drive the market in to full speculation. With the prices getting corrected, old equations make sense again. Making this a Realtor/investors dream opportunity to stock their portfolio with positive cash flow inventory . This is possible after a decade of fighting off speculators with appreciations as the only sensible indicators. Now positioning yourself in the marketing correctly you will be able to take advantage of this once again.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Klockle in the Chicago Daily Herald

 As seen in the: Chicago Daily Herald

NEW YORK, NY, September 22, 2011 - made its debut on the US real estate market scene last month when the Swiss based company launched its New York City office and new site. The site provides both the public and real estate professionals a user-friendly access to all types of real estate listings from residential to commercial rentals and sales, to direct liquidations from banks and lenders, to auctioned properties.

The innovation behind relies in the accuracy of its listings which are updated regularly and systematically removed after 90 days and, its ability to reach a global audience in the language and currency of their country. The site now reaches 81 countries and is translated into 52 languages.

Founder's Club - What is it? Users have free access to all the listings and

Friday, September 23, 2011

$4,300,000 Manhattan's Narrowest Townhome for Sale.

For sale the 9 and half feet wide. 990+/-sq.feet. $4.3 million Greenwich NY, townhome, or rent for $14,000 a month.. Manhattan, NY thinnest home for sale. The home was originally built over a carriage path that lead to two stables.  This unique and storied dwelling has been home to numerous stage and film stars

Klockle Launchs

Klockle Launches New Real Estate Search Engine, an Innovative Clearing House to Revolutionize the Global Real Estate Market
NEW YORK, NY, August 24, 2011  - Headquartered out of Zurich, Switzerland with the US office based in New York City, is designed to provide both the public and real estate professionals a user-friendly access to all types of real estate listings from residential to commercial rentals and sales, to direct liquidations from banks and lenders, to auctioned properties.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Think of Selling?

YES, if you are thinking of selling list Now !
     Yes Home prices are predicted to drop further. should you list now if you are thinking of selling and getting out . YES, if the prices are falling you need to advise your sellers to list sooner than later . Use this to your advantage to create more urgency and help them decide to sell or stay for the long term.
   1. Listing price is key . Place it 1-3% below the comps to get you in front. Buyers seeking to buy today are in need of buying and will not pass a reasonable deal priced correctly. Inform the seller this will also save less negotiating later.
   2. Time is of the essence. The  3% might be less later so make sure they move quickly on the decision to sell.
   3. Many sellers today are also down sizing in their retirement years , so they actually have equity to provide financing. Review if the seller wants to provide financing. This is a good source of income much better than the bank.
   4. Decisions to not move forward will be more emotionally taxing than to make decisions. If selling is your goal, move forward now. Let your seller know.