Thursday, September 29, 2011

Stay positive!

  Well as the reports continue to bring us more statistics of doom and gloom it is certain a few positive results will come from this. Klockle is constantly  researching  the local and global markets which impact us. Here are some statistics and answers to help navigate with success in these changing times. 

     1. The economy will force more sales of homes.
     2. New buyers will now be ablle to buy for a great price.
     3. Foriegn buyers can now afford the US for second homes from all over the world with the currency value lower on the US Dollar .
     4. The US is still a stable and safe realestate investment compared to the rest of the world.
     5. The national population will continue to require housing .
     6. Rentals have statistacally risen.
     7. The market is less volitile now than it was in 2006-2010.Though it has continued to drop the swing is much less drastic
     8. The corrections were necessary and are stabalizing.
     9. Compared to other cities in the world the US is providing good value.
                                                                             MARKETING SOLUTIONS
     1. YOUR BUDGET: Select forms of advertising affordable to you .Just because you are struggling does not mean NO advertising is going to bring you new leads .
     2. THINK OUT SIDE THE BOX: Find new innovative ways to attract a new pool of buyers .
     3. FREE: Use all free sources. It is proven to work while the sources are free and this provides you effective use of your time.
     4. PICTURES SELL: Take the time to upload the best pictures available to you. No short cuts .
     5. SAVE TIME: Floor plans or sketches create real leads. These peaple have the opportunity to view if it is worth calling you.
     6. PRICING. Start the pricing correctly. 1-3 % below the comps will place you ahead of the pack. It also requires less nogotiating later.
                                                                 UPBEAT FACTS AND GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES
     1. RENTAL MARKET. The rental market continues to increase in numbers as well as prices . Use this advantage to grow your bussiness. Supply sellers the convenience to rent them a new place. They are already your customers.
     2. RELOCATING. Peaple are making moves to make greater changes in their lives so moving from cities, jobs,schools is creating more transactions, capture this market
     3. NEW BUSSINESS'S . As soon as you see a new bussiness sign Comming Soon . Introduce your self to the management to extend your services to the New Staff being transfered.
     4. JOB RECRUITERS. They place new hires and can direct the new employee to have you find a new home . They need a smooth transition and this only helps.
                                                                                              Thank You
        KLOCKLE.COM is sensative to the hardships the economy is placing in the industry and will continue to work together with you to make it possible to succeed and grow your bussiness in the current and future situations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Gus Gutierrez

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