Thursday, September 22, 2011

Think of Selling?

YES, if you are thinking of selling list Now !
     Yes Home prices are predicted to drop further. should you list now if you are thinking of selling and getting out . YES, if the prices are falling you need to advise your sellers to list sooner than later . Use this to your advantage to create more urgency and help them decide to sell or stay for the long term.
   1. Listing price is key . Place it 1-3% below the comps to get you in front. Buyers seeking to buy today are in need of buying and will not pass a reasonable deal priced correctly. Inform the seller this will also save less negotiating later.
   2. Time is of the essence. The  3% might be less later so make sure they move quickly on the decision to sell.
   3. Many sellers today are also down sizing in their retirement years , so they actually have equity to provide financing. Review if the seller wants to provide financing. This is a good source of income much better than the bank.
   4. Decisions to not move forward will be more emotionally taxing than to make decisions. If selling is your goal, move forward now. Let your seller know. 


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